A light green magical haze encumbered the forest. The sun only deepened it, illuminating its yellow beams in the air like glitter.
The mysterious ambience intensified as Dek stumbled upon the small wooden cottage deep in the enchanted forest. The cabin hovered unusually above the dark, silky turquoise river.
Dek scratched the rough stubble under his chin, wondering what magic kept the small cottage from falling into the water below.
A glow bug flew past Dek’s face, distracting him for a moment. He followed it with his dark brown eyes. It landed softly on a light pink flower petal in the bush next to him. The glow bug awakened a family of pink butterflies that were disguising themselves among the flowers.
Dek watched in wonderment as the butterflies fluttered about, all dancing to a song only they could hear.
The forest’s breath blew the butterflies over to the wooden cottage, settling them on another flowered bush on the porch. Leaves from the bush fell tenderly down, creating small wrinkles in the silky turquoise below. The rocks observed the water, some dipping their toes as the water rippled by. Others held back the earth, eager to keep moist the lush, woollen blanket that was the forest floor.
A brief shower of green glimmer rained down over the forest, causing Dek to gasp with amazement. It reacted with the forest’s spirit and a spell was disbursed, rearranging the pattern on the woollen blanket. Flowers changed from orange and yellow to blue and purple. Angelic sounds fell softly over the scene as the spell wove each flower into sentient life.
The forest trees joined in on the hymn. Their trunks bellowing a deep bass tone through their roots, vibrating the earth with energy. Dek felt his muscles relax after a warm wash of vibrancy passed up through the souls of his feet.
The forest branches creaked like clarinets reaching gracefully out, intertwining with others, dancing, and playing with one another. Soft glows of green, synced with soft flute notes, lit up the trees where new leaves sprouted wondrously. The knitted grass blades plucked like violin strings, as the spell’s magic fell down. Stones along the river shuffled about, adding their own rhythm to the earth.
Small red and yellow birds flew in from behind Dek, landing on the rails of the staircase. They chirped, accompanying the forest with the hymn’s chorus. Butterflies of all colours twirled and swirled in the air, like notes of the melody. Large brown and white ducks swam down the river and trumpeted a beat.
Dek grinned as the nature’s melody settled delightfully over the forest.
The small wooden cottage bounced into life upon hearing the music and adjusted its roof, stretching up tall to compose its presence. Its windows clapped, and glow bugs lit up the brown staircase in time with the rhythm. The chimney tooted purple clouds and swayed side to side as it conducted the magic forest into a colourful, magical musical symphony.