Sweet-scented Poems by Zoe Bella-Aster

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Zoe Bella logo small 2024
You brush past me, and our bodies touch.
We say hi; it doesn’t feel like much.
You sit so close to me, yet we don’t talk.
Now time has changed, and you are to walk.
When we are together, away from it all.
Time seems to stop. I tremble and fall.
I fall for you, with your kind heart beat.
I fall for you when our blue eyes meet.
I sense a dark cloud deep in your heart.
I can help light it, if you feel you can’t.
I don’t know what future is to be,
I just want your spirit to be free.
I want to show my love, my world.
But only the universe knows, I’m told.
Be free and kind, be the person you are
Always know that love is never far.

Thank you for reading!

Zoe Bella-Aster 💜

Zoe Bella logo small 2024

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